Saturday, August 27, 2011

Into the WILD.

This summer was filled with A LOT of trips to the Wildlife Safari. My parents have a pass and we took advantage of it. I think the first week we were in Oregon we went a total  of FOUR times. I lost track of of how many times we went after that. On the road you drive to go to the safari, there is a blue house on the right side of the road. My Dad, used to live in that house. He used to have dreams about lions invading his house and eating his family well they slept. The house was up for sale, but from my understanding no one can live in it because it is to close to the safari. Lions could escape from there cages and eat you in the middle of the night!
Every time we went to the safari we saw something new and exciting. Once the Rhino's were down from the hill, and right next to our car. One of our last trips the Mama Zebra even came down the hill with her baby that was born in June. We even got to see a 2 day old baby ostrich, and lots and lots of baby buffalo.

Derrick's favorite animal was the Cheetah. I think we stopped almost every time to talk to the lady in the cheetah booth. A couple of times she even told us the names of the cheetah's. The only one I remember was Mohawk. A cub, who in fact did have a mohawk. My favorite animal were the bears, and Riley's were the elephants. Before I was married, I got to "sit" on the elephant with my sisters and get our picutre taken. They do not do that anymore. BUT, they do have an elepahant car wash. We never did the car wash, so this is the closest we got to the elephants!

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